

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

What matters most?

I was very disappointed when my laundry woman delivered my laundry today. She accidentally poured a bleaching agent on my black top. Well, yeah, it happens. But this is my new favorite top and I was only able to wear it twice. Now, i couldn't wear it.

Did I get mad at her?


It is just a top. I can always find another "favorite" top. My point is, these are just material things. they can be replaced. The lady was brave enough to admit her mistake. It took her a lot of courage to approach me and tell me about it. Scolding her wouldn't solve the problem, won't repair my black top. But scolding her would probably put her feelings down a little bit more. I know the lady personally. her husband is a drunkard, and she spends her time doing other people's laundry to support her family. Does this give her an excuse? No. But I think she has a lot to worry about and I didn't want to burden her emotionally.

In our every day life, things do not happen the way we always want it to be. Sometimes we are burdened by a lot of things that we feel like giving up, breaking down. And one wrong move by someone could make us snap. But what if the other person is feeling the same way too? Worse than the way we do?

Before we let off the steam, can't we try to assess if it is really worth it? Or are we just complaining because of something worth a hundred peso or less?

Which do you think is more important?

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