

Friday, May 16, 2008

A Divine intervention or just a mere concidence?

It happened again!

Whenever I make a step in applying for a job through the net, either my mom gets sick, or I get sick.

I have been a stay home mom for almost nine months already. Although I enjoy every moment of it, I feel restless sometimes. I was used to managing a number of people, setting targets and achieving them. For eight years I was subjected to a challenging job, then it all stopped when I resigned. I thirst for knowledge and learning. Not that I do not find new learnings from the everyday experience with my daughter, but I think I need more. So I decided to try my luck again.

But a day after I made that step, my mom was rushed to the hospital. The doctor ordered a CT scan to check her brain because she seemed to have lost motor skills for a very short period of time. That night, I didn't sleep at all. Luckily, the result was negative. thank GOD!

This is not the first time it happened. And I no longer think it is just a coincidence.

I am an only child and my mom is 69 years old. I should be taking good care of her. I believe someone is telling me to do that through these incidents.

Divine intervention or not, I really shoud be doing that.


SandyCarlson said...

My time staying home with my daughter brought with it opportunities to be available for my family, some of whom needed childcare or some of whom were dying. I was restless, too. But then I settled into the realization that all of this was an opportunity to be a full member of my family. I learned to love and appreciate it. The outside world will be there for you. God's peace to you and your family. I hope your mom is OK.

Anonymous said...

Go with the flow at this time of your life. I know what it is like, not being master of your own fate. I took care of my mom for 3-4 years, worked full-time and had an infant/toddler. I lived on the edge of "if one more thing happens..."

All I can advise is to get help from other family members, from service providers, from paid help, from church members . . .

Angels around you and your family.

Anonymous said...

I really do believe that there is ONE Hand guiding us through all these. Hope you'll always be strong for your family. Knowledge is everywhere, but wisdom is there when you listen to your heart.