

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Blog Your Blessings: Time

Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't
own it, but you can use it. You can't keep
it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it
you can never get it back.”
Harvey MacKay

I had a heart to heart talk with my cousin yesterday. She was already in her forties, an accomplished career woman who chose to leave the corporate life for her family. She shared how she missed so many things in her daughter's life, and the success she achieved with her job cannot compensate with those things. Her daughter once remarked that even if she is blessed with material things, her happiness is not complete because her mom was not there for her. Now, being a full time mom in just a little over a year, she still has to learn a lot about her child. She is starting fresh, hoping that she could still bridge the gap between her and her teenage daughter. But still wishes to turn back time so she could change the past.

Indeed, time is free and priceless. We are blessed with time, with an opportunity to use it. Though it is free, it comes with a great responsibility too. That is to make sure that we spend it the best way we can. Sometimes, when we have not acknowledged the most important thing in our life, we take time for granted. we spend it carelessly. And then when realization strikes us, we would like to turn back the time. Not all of us are given another chance. So while we do not know how many chances could be given to us, why not spend our time wisely?

Happy Blog Your Blessings Sunday!


SandyCarlson said...

This is a lovely post and a great reminder. Time does roll by so quickly. Best to be with the ones we love and nurture.

Thanks for the blog your blessings post.

God bless.

PS I think you are poetic!

Anonymous said...

We cannot always stay home with our children, which makes the time in which we do so much more precious.

My son is 18 and has left home. I wonder where the time went.

Great blessing for us this week.

Anonymous said...

A wonderful reminder that time is a great blessing.

Happy BYB Sunday.

Blue Panther said...

A great post indeed.

Though we all know all these little but important things, yet often we tend to over look them.

Thanks for the reminder!