

Friday, November 23, 2007


I'm back.

And I am sorry that I missed one Blog Your Blessings Sunday. But this does not mean that I missed counting my blessings.

My mom is regaining her strength after spending three days in ICU, and two days in recovery room.

I was able to spend quality and quantity time with her. I came to know more about her illness. When I rushed her to the ER, I couldn't answer questions about her illness. But now, I know by heart her blood pressure, pulse rate and medications.

My planned business was put on hold when mom was hospitalized. But this again turned out to be another blessing, because I found a cheaper and a better place for my venture.

Blessings. Sometimes they are candy coated, sometimes we have to look beyond what is presented to us. Dwelling on the negative side will make things worse, so I always try to look at the brighter side.


SandyCarlson said...

God bless you for caring so much for your mom.

Blue Panther said...

I hope your mom is doing even better now!

Unknown said...

true how life works out sometimes & looking at the + is always good

hope things work out all well there